hey freaks whats up ^,^
just initialized the page today lol so i dont actually have much to say other than thank you for checking out my cool and epic website . its just a small glimpse into my sick and twisted mind that is similar to the mind of The Joker (from Joker) or some sort of evil killer . i have a heart of darkness and this page is meant to reflect that which is how come i have all the stuff on here thats all sinister looking . im going to put more of my art on here and also im going to get into photography and stuff and i want to do life updates and blogging and stuff every so often so my friends have somewhere to check up on me and new friends have something to rifle through to figure out what my deal is . ill get some sort of guestbook thing going soon pawbably so that people can leave a note when they stop by because that seems cool and fun to do .
thanks for stopping by :3
- evening
this ones not a blog post its more of a short story type situation i guess . call it writing practice if you want . its my website i can put whatever i want here .
i keep running through a list of traits in my head. lonely, naive, no family to speak of. depressed but trying to stay positive. victim of circumstance. history of poor coping strategies, building a future of worse ones. pilot of a life that's hard to describe as anything but shattered, hanging by a thread. a vessel that will never be filled. traveling through the tunnel at the end of the light.
i think sometimes, what happens to people like that? how do they end up? how do people like me end up?
dead, i usually think.
theres always the follow-up question, though:
why am i still alive?
a decade weighs less than it did a decade ago. right now, it's 2024. ten years ago, ten years made up 0.000496% of the modern era. thats to say you would have to have 201.4 tens in order to count up to two thousand and fourteen. this year, ten years is 0.000493% of the common era. you'd need 202.4 tens to get to the same right now that we had back then. the clock keeps on ticking, and in just over a decade that 9 in the fifth decimal place gets kicked down to an 8.
someone drops a knife. the knife keeps on falling, picking up speed, building up momentum. every single micro-instant time crawls forward and deepens the inevitable cut from when your reflexes kick in and you grab that falling knife directly by the blade; for some reason we aren't quite sure of, we really can't afford to let it hit the ground.
and then suddenly
very suddenly
we find ourselves unprepared to die.
the moment passes.
thanks for reading my directionless teen angst prose (0,0)b
-- evening